
Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Longwood is an unfinished antebellum mansion known for its octagonal shape and Byzantine-style dome, offering tours that showcase its unique architecture and history. [...]Read More... from […]
140 Lower Woodville Rd, Natchez, Mississippi 39120
Melrose is an antebellum estate that provides insights into pre-Civil War life through its preserved mansion, slave quarters, and lush gardens, showcasing historical narratives and architec […]
122 Melrose Ave, Natchez, Mississippi 39120
Rosalie Mansion
Rosalie Mansion is a historic antebellum home overlooking the Mississippi River, offering guided tours that highlight its rich history and beautifully maintained gardens. [...]Read More... […]
100 Orleans St, Natchez, Mississippi 39120
St. Mary Basilica
St. Mary Basilica showcases stunning Gothic Revival architecture with intricate stained glass and detailed woodwork, offering a rich spiritual and historical experience [...]Read […]
105 S Union St, Natchez, Mississippi 39121
Stanton Hall
Stanton Hall is a palatial antebellum mansion featuring opulent Greek Revival architecture, guided tours, and beautifully preserved interiors from the mid-19th century. [...]Read More... fr […]
401 High St, Natchez, Mississippi 39120